C.C.S. Grad Class Bottle Drive
Leave bottles at the end of the driveway and students will come pick them up. Also, Sarcan drop & go is set up. Questions? text Breanne Woloshyn 306-562-8820
The Heart of Good Spirit Country
Leave bottles at the end of the driveway and students will come pick them up. Also, Sarcan drop & go is set up. Questions? text Breanne Woloshyn 306-562-8820
January 3rd Leave bottles and cans at end of driveway.
Come to to the CO-OP food store have some food and support the 2023 Graduation class. 11 am - 2 pm
Congratulations to the Canora graduation class of 2024! 1:00 PM - Parade (weather pending) 2:00 PM - Ceremony in King George Park (weather pending)