The purpose of the Town of Canora Non-Profit Museum Grant is to provide funds to non-profit museum organizations within the municipality. Funds are provided through the Town of Canora to assist museums to maintain, improve and expand opportunities for people of all ages to derive the benefits of heritage and cultural experiences, programs and activities. For this reason, only those expenditures that can be directly related to the provision of programs and services will qualify for grant assistance.
The Town of Canora distributes funds on an annual basis to local non-profit, volunteer community groups that provide heritage or culture based programs in a museum setting within the community. The project/program being applied for with this application must take place between the dates of January 1st and December 31st of that same year in order to qualify for funding.
The application deadline is March 15th of each year
Non-Profit Museum Grant Application
Museum Grant Project Report Form
Before starting an application, or for more information, contact:
Brandi Zavislak
Community Development Officer
Town of Canora
418 Main Street
Box 717
Canora, SK S0A 0L0
Ph: (306) 563-5574
Fax: (306) 563-4336