Cost & Benefit Calculator Determine the extra financial cost of purchasing a good or service outside of Canora Total Number of Kilometers Travelled*In the space above, please indicate the total number of kilometers traveled to purchase a good or serviceTotal Amount Spent*In the space above, please indicate the total amount of money you plan on spending to purchase goods and servicesAdditional Financial Cost, in Canadian Dollars Price: $ 0.00 CAD By going outside of Canora to purchase a good or service, you are spending more on that good or service through travel and the extra time needed. The cost of operating a Motor Vehicle, per Kilometer, is $0.50. This figure includes all operating costs for the life of the vehicle; including, but not limited to, insurance, maintenance, repairs and fuel.Amount of Money that Stays in Your Community when Shopping Local Price: $ 0.00 CAD If you shop in your community and spend $100 at a locally owned business, $68 remains in the community. If you spent $100 at a national chain in your community, $43 stays in your community. If you shop outside of the community, $0.00 will stay. 58079